Decision No. 145 – Case C 265-13 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Asociación Gremial de Ginecólogos Obstetras de la Provincia de Ñuble and others
The Competition Tribunal accepted a lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against the Trade Association of Obstetrician Gynecologysts of the Province of Ñuble (Asociación Gremial de Ginecólogos Obstetras de la Provincia de Ñuble, “AGGOÑ”) and a group of medical doctors in that association, declaring that they infringed Article 3 letter a) of Decree Law […]
Decision No. 144 – Case C 266-13 – Lawsuit by Applus Revisiones Técnicas de Chile S.A. against Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones
The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by Applus Revisiones Técnicas de Chile S.A. against the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, with costs.
Decision No. 143 – Case C 260-13 – Lawsuit by Applus Revisiones Técnicas de Chile S.A. against Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones
The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by Applus Revisiones Técnicas de Chile S.A. against the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, with costs.
Decision No. 142 – Case C 246-12 – Lawsuit by Multicaja S.A. and other against Banco del Estado de Chile
The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by Multicaja S.A. (“Multicaja”) and Multitarjeta S.A. (Multitarjeta”) against Banco del Estado de Chile (“Banco Estado”), stating that the defendant did not have a dominant position in the relevant markets, therefore having been unable to commit the accused abuses of dominant position. The Tribunal stated that the controversy concerns […]
Decision No. 141 – Case C 244-12 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Sociedad de Transportes Línea Uno Collico and others
The Competition Tribunal accepted a lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against all taxibus lines in the city of Valdivia (Lines N° 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 14, 16 and 20, “the Lines”) and their trade association (Asociación Gremial de Empresarios de Taxibuses de Valdivia, “AGETV”), given that it was proven that […]
Decision No. 140 – Case C 245-12 – Lawsuit by Condominio Campomar against Inmobiliaria Santa Rosa de Tunquén Ltda.
The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by Condominio Campomar (“the Community”) against Inmobiliaria Santa Rosa de Tunquén Limitada. Even though it was proven that the latter has significant market power in the market of collection and treatment of drinking water and its distribution within the Community, the existence of insurmountable barriers to entry in this […]
Decision No. 139 – Case C 236-11 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Agrícola Agrosuper S.A. and others
In a unanimous decision, the Competition Tribunal accepted a lawsuit presented in November 2011 by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Agrosuper S.A. (Agrosuper), Empresas Ariztía S.A. (Ariztía), Agrícola Don Pollo Limitada (Don Pollo) and the Association of Poultry Producers of Chile (APA). The decision stated that Agrosuper, Ariztía and Don Pollo, via APA, agreed […]
Decision No. 138 – Case C 256-13 – Lawsuit by Ramírez y Compañía Limitada against Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones
The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by Ramírez y Compañía Limitada against the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications (“MTT”); the Tribunal stated that neither the creation of barriers to entry nor the collusive risks accused by the plaintiff were demonstrated, and that it is not possible to formulate objections to the allocation criteria used by […]
Decision No. 137 – Case C 248-13 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Casther and others
The Competition Tribunal accepted a lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against E. Alonso Castillo H. Compañía Limitada, Mr. Cristián Valdés Cabrera and Empresa de Transporte Caldera Sociedad Anónima, declaring that these companies colluded to raise ticket prices in rural transportation services in the Copiapó-Caldera route in the months of April and May 2011, […]
Decision No. 136 – Case C 234-11 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Servicios Pullman Bus Costa Central S.A. and others
The Competition Tribunal partially accepted a lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Servicios Pullman Bus Costa Central (“Pullman”), Autobuses Melipilla Santiago A.G.P. (“Bahía Azul”), Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Bupesa S.A. (“Bupesa”) and Empresa Buses Andrade Limitada (“Andrade”). The National Economic Prosecutor’s Office accused these companies of celebrating and executing agreements to raise […]